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Program Praktisi Masuk Kampus Mental Health Aware
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The on-campus practitioner program is part of the independent campus program. And in order to make the program a success, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program invited Mr. Azwar. He is the founder of Pure Consciousness Indonesia, mentor for the Acceleration of the Evolution of Awareness, mentor in Youth and Spirituality and presenter for SiFY. The activity lasted for 2 sessions with each session lasting 2 hours. The activities of practitioners entering campus with Mr. Azwar are in line with the mental health course which is one of the compulsory subjects for the Guidance and Counseling Study Program students.
The first session with the theme “Awareness Maps and the Concepts in It” took place on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 and the second session with the theme “The Process of the Evolution of Consciousness” took place on Monday, December 13, 2021. The material from each session is an ongoing material so that the session material 2 completes the presentation of the first material from Mr. Azwar. Although the practitioner material from Mr. Azwar is in line with the mental health course, the participants from this practitioner activity are almost all active Guidance and Counseling students as well as Guidance and Counseling Lecturers.
In general, the material for the first session explains wisdom and meditation. Mr. Azwar shared his experience on how to find self-awareness. He displayed a self-awareness map from Dr. David Hawkins who is an American psychiatrist. He mentioned that human self-awareness includes indicators of shame, guilt, apathy, sadness, fear, desire, addiction, anger and pride. Some of these indicators determine how a person's level of self-awareness and his ability to achieve self-awareness is.
And then, for the second session, which carried the theme of the Awareness Evaluation Process, Mr. Azwar explained about the awareness evaluation process based on the case of Mrs. Ana, a psychotherapist. The process of evolution of consciousness includes normal life, crisis comes, trapped crisis, turning point, transition phase and ending in a new normal. From Mr. Azwar's explanation, we can learn that in every process of reaching awareness, every human being needs to go through a crisis phase until finally they can reach a new normal. Where the individual will successfully resolve his past and be reborn in the same life.
Mr. Azwar's presentation of material was enthusiastically welcomed by the participants in the campus activities. Considering that currently the topic of mental health has become a very busy topic discussed by all circles of society, then Mr. Azwar's material is a very interesting topic for all participants. Therefore, this activity is a very useful program not only to increase the knowledge and insight of participants about mental health and self-awareness, but also to be a very appropriate forum to help participants increase their mental awareness and self-awareness. (end)
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