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General Facility
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1. Classroom
In order to support learning activities in the classroom, the Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Yogyakarta State University provides adequate classrooms for student learning activities and lecturer teaching activities. The facilities provided in the classroom.. The availability of adequate facilities is expected to be able to support a good learning process with students so that students are able to study effectively and learning objectives can be achieved optimally.
Figure 1. Classroom (source= Youtube Video Profil Kampus Pusat FIP UNY, PKKMB FIP UNY 2020,
2. Classical Guidance Room (Laboratory 1)
The Guidance and Counseling Study Program of Yogyakarta State University is equipped with a Classical Guidance room to support students in practicing classical guidance materials. This provides an experience for students to feel an atmosphere that is almost the same as the real atmosphere in the field or at school when providing classical guidance services to school students.
Figure 1. Classical Tutoring Room
3. Group Guidance and Counseling room (Laboratory 2)
The group Guidance and Counseling room available at the Guidance and Counseling Study Program Laboratory of Yogyakarta State University has been equipped with various supporting facilities.The complete facilities available in the room are expected to be able to support the implementation of group guidance and counseling practicum by students so that students get adequate knowledge and are needed in learning activities.
Figure 1. Group Guidance and Counseling Room
4. One-way Screen Room (Laboratory 4)
The availability of one-way screen space in the Guidance and Counseling Study Program can be utilized by students in carrying out counseling practices. This room is further divided into two rooms, namely the observation room and the counseling room. The observation room is used by students to observe the counseling process carried out by practical students, while the counseling room is used by students to practice counseling according to the techniques taught and play the role of a counselor and a counselee.
Figure 1. Counseling Room
Figure 2. Counseling Observation Room
5. Audio-visual Room (Laboratory 3)
Advances in information and communication technology encourage the Guidance and Counseling Study Program to provide an audio-visual room that can support learning activities. This room can be used for short film screenings or discussions provided adequate facilities are provided.
Figure 1. Audio Visual Room
6. Peer Counseling Room
The rooms provided by the Guidance and Counseling Study Program at Yogyakarta State University include not only classical rooms, counseling rooms, audio-visual rooms, but also peer counseling rooms. This room is provided to support the implementation of peer counseling with students by providing adequate facilities, one of which is a student counselor (peer). Counselors who work in peer counseling are Guidance and Counseling students who have received training from professional counselors and have been verified to provide counseling services to students in need. It is hoped that the availability of peer counseling can help students in reducing the psychological burden they experience.
Figure 1. Peer Counseling Room
7. Bibliotherapy Room
Guidance and Counseling program provides a bibliotherapy space as a means in supporting student learning activities, especially in the search for reference book sources. Equipped with books that are complete and relevant to the field of guidance and counseling science, and computers used for the search for library sources, as well as reading rooms as well as for student discussion. Loan a maximum of 3 books with a loan time of 5 days, and fill out the loan form leaving an identity card, KTM, ID card, or another valid identity. There are labor officers serving students in the bibliotherapy room.
Figure 1. Bibliotherapy Room: Search for library materials through a computer
Figure 2. Bibliotherapy room: Reading room and student discussion
8. Library room
Reference sources with wider coverage are provided in libraries in both faculty and university scope. Reference is not only a field of guidance and counseling but covers a wide range of areas. At the university library, there is a digital library with virtual ease of access to complete journals and ebooks and its devices are available to support academic activities.
The faculty library can be accessed at
The university library can be accessed on .
Figure 1. University Library
Figure 2. Digital Library
Figure 3. Ease of access in digital libraries
1. Health Care Center
Health services are provided by the university for the academic community at Yogyakarta State University. Health services are located in the First Floor Healths and Sports Center (HSC) building, while on the second floor is a physical therapy service consisting of massage therapy, sauna therapy, and hydrotherapy, for physical fitness services/fitness center available on the third floor.
2. Guidance and Counseling Services
The service unit provided by the university to realize psychological well-being for the entire academic community of Yogyakarta State University. There are several services provided such as counseling services both offline and online through e-counseling, psychological test services, and others. Supported by several competent counselors as well as administrative personnel, the guidance and counseling service unit developed several programs involving students (individual counseling, peer tutor training, career development training, psychological preparation training to compile the final task, psychological tests for students, especially those who are about to graduate in preparation for entering the workforce, and others), programs involving lecturers (training for academic guidance lecturers and "sarasehan" for lecturers entering the retirement period), activity programs aimed at employees (personality development for structural officials, excellent service training for security personnel, civil servants, contracts, drivers), programs aimed at agencies/institutions (psychological tests for prospective new students and prospective officials in agencies/institutions, psychological tests of selecting special and talented intelligent students, school readiness tests, and others), programs involving the general public (individual counseling, group counseling, psychological tests, family counseling, and more). Services are provided face-to-face or through e-services with media such as e-counseling, Instagram, blogs, Twitter, and others. Facilities are available such as counseling room, bibliotherapy room, relaxation chair, case conference room, and others.
3. Place of Worship
In supporting religious activities, a place of worship is provided in the form of a university mosque and faculty mosque.
4. Gazebos and Public Spaces
Gazebos and public spaces in the faculty are provided that can be used as a place for academic discussion of students and student activities. A place with a strategic and convenient location can support academic and student activities.
5. Sports Facilities
Yogyakarta State University provides various sports facilities, such as tennis courts, basketball courts, badminton courts, and swimming pools. The sports facilities can be used by students by following the applicable ordering procedures.
Figure 1. swimming pool
Figure 2. Tennis
6. Shuttle Bus UNY
The UNY campus is spread over four locations, namely Karangmalang Campus, UPP 1 Jl. Kenari, UPP 2 Jl. Bantul and Wates Campus need a means of connecting to make it easier for the academic community to carry out their daily activities. Since February 1, 2015, UNY has provided free shuttle buses for UNY students connecting the four campuses. Four buses take the PP Karangmalang – Wates PP route and Karangmalang – UPP 1 – UPP 2 routes every day. With the availability of this shuttle bus, it is hoped that it will make it easier for students who will be active.
7. Auditorium
The FIP auditorium is located on the 3rd floor of Abdullah Sigit's room. The FIP INY auditorium can be used for campus activities, student activities, various academic forums, national and international seminars.
8. UNY Language Development Center (
P2B LPPMP UNY provides facilities for students who want to improve their English language skills that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, as well as providing online question and answer facilities with P2B instructors to realize a culture of learning English independently.
9. Computer Laboratory
Computer Laboratory equipped with LCD, OHP, Lap Top, Handy Cam, Slide Projector, Walk Man, TV, VCD Player, Mini Compo, Tape Recorder, and digital, to improve skills and professional abilities related to the development of learning media.
10. Plaza UNY
Plaza UNY is located behind the FIP student parking lot. This place consists of four floors, which are filled with various shops, such as a small supermarket and the 'UNY Boga' bakery on the first floor and is dominated by small shops selling various student necessities on the second floor. In this place, there are also hijab sellers and computer services.
11. Indonesian Education Museum
The Indonesian Education Museum or MPI was established as a dedication to Yogyakarta State University. Through this museum, it was conveyed that the glory of this nation was the result of harmonization between the goals of the struggle and the spirit to study. The Indonesian Education Museum has an area of 2500 m2. This museum collects, among others; school books, educational archives, learning media.
1. Wifi UNY (Eduroam) (
2. Akun zoom mahasiswa (link
2. Perkuliahan daring (link besmart
3. Sistem informasi akademik (link
4. Katalog perpustakaan (link
5. Lumbung Pustaka UNY (link
6. Sistem informasi penerimaan mahasiswa baru (link
7. Sistem registrasi UNY (link
8. Sistem informasi yudisium (link
9. Jurnal UNY (link
10. Sistem informasi untuk alumni (link
11. Sistem informasi PK dan KKN (
12. Sistem informasi beasiswa (link
13. Presensi kuliah (
14. Siagen untuk persuratan datau keluhan dari mahasiswa UNY (
Contact Us
Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Faculty of Education UNY
Colombo Street No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281,
- Phone : 0274-542183 Psw. 1312
- E-mail :
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