Educational Psychology and Guidance Laboratory





  1. Become a laboratory with thoroughgoing facilities to provide optimal services for students, lecturers, and the community.
  2. Become a laboratory that can provide sufficient facilities, infrastructure, and accurate data to develop knowledge in guidance and counseling as well as psychology.
  3. Be a financially independent laboratory to support its existence and development.



To achieve the visions, the Educational Psychology and Guidance Laboratory has the following missions:

  1. Developing and establishing the laboratory service system to support practicum activities and the development of knowledge in the Educational Psychology and Guidance Department.
  2. Organizing practicum activities to enhance the skills of practitioners in conducting professional guidance and counseling activities.
  3. Developing research activities for lecturers and students to strengthen the knowledge of guidance and counseling as well as psychology.
  4. Socializing and developing the laboratory through community development services.


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